Monday, March 11, 2013

Maybe This Time

In my mind I am full of ambition.  In real life, I spend alot of time on Pinterest.  I am going to try to make this work, I swear!  I am the dirty 30, and it is time to carry out some of the plans I have for myself.  I am putting some of those goals out here on the interwebs hoping I will pull my head out of my ass and follow through with something.  I will be proud of myself damn it!  Well, if I have time between pinning and cleaning up puke.  There is alot of puke when you have 4 kids. 
1.  Write good content on this blog at least 3 times a week.  I have started many blogs, never to post more than 10 posts.  They all seemed lame after awhile.  This time I am just going to try to be me, and see how it goes. 
2.  Shrink my fat ass.  Seriously I gained 70 lbs with my first kid and I am still carrying 60 of it.  That was 9 frickin years ago!  The only bright side to this is I didn't gain any extra weight with my 3 other children.  I have no family photos because I hate the way I look.  We are going to Disney World in October and I will be in the damn pictures because I am paying a fortune to be there!  I am not kidding myself into thinking I will lose it all, but 30 would be nice.  Plus I need to look hot for Donnie Wahlberg when I see NKOTB in concert in July.
3. I am a sahm who hopes to one day have a bakery or some type of business of my own or with my husband.  In case that doesn't work out or prove lucrative, I plan to become a Certified Dietary Manager with hopes of becoming the Head Bitch in Charge at a school cafeteria.  Yes, I aspire to be a lunch lady.  Laugh all you want, but first check out the requirements of a CDM(not too many classes, and this girl is not cut out for school), the average pay of a CDM and think about when lunch ladies work.  Yep, if the kids are off, so am I!  Booyah!
Okay.  I got it out there.  Again.  Anyone who happens along my silly little blog will see it.  If they check back again and a week and see no new content, they will know I have failed.  I am done failing myself.  Let's get this! 

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