Saturday, October 13, 2012

Keeping Sane with 4

So.  I am probably losing my mind.  In September, I gave birth to my 4th and final kid.  The next week, I moved to Misery, er Missouri.  A couple of weeks after that, I turned the dirty 30.  Not to mention I still have a house in Nebraska that isn't on the market yet, nor is it ready to be.  I am going to lose my ever loving mind, and soon.
 This kid is our fourth and final, and he is the only boy.  He was quite the little surprise.  I had these plans to make 2012 all about me, and I was going to have my shit together by the time my 30th birthday rolled around.  And by having my shit together I mean I wasn't going to be so fat.  So I am thirty.  And fat.  The good news is that I am at my prepregnancy weight already.  The bad news is that this is the same weight that I have been sitting at since my first baby was born.  The 50lbs I need to lose have been there for 8 years.  Blech! 
 I also still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.  Currently I am a stay at home mom, and I have about six  years to decide.  Hopefully I will get my shit together before then!  My brain is turning to mush.  Squishy nastiness that remembers nothing but song lyrics and I can't hold on to them as well as I used to be able to. 
I have 3 girls, ages 8, 5, and 2.  I love them completely, but there are many times in the day that they make me want to pull my hair out.  I will soon be walking around with bald spots.  Or Miley Cyrus's haircut.  Maybe the would think I am cool then.  They do still think I am cool, the 8 year old is slipping away, and I am worried that she will take the younger ones with her.  There is alot of drama in my house.  I am kind of excited for the days when they just won't talk to me anymore.  Not really, but occasionally the thought is entertained with amusement.  My husband works alot.  I am sure you can understand why. 

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