Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I have a huge headache today.  Part of it may be that it is spring break and the weather is frickin cold, thus meaning the kids are constantly cooped up.  The other part is I waited all day for the results of an MRI.  Not my MRI, but my 6 month old son's MRI.  I called at 11:00 and was told I would be called right back.  I had to call back at 4:12 to be told that everything was normal.  Thank God!  You cannot leave someone hanging like that!  I knew that everything was probably going to be ok, but what if it wasn't?  I was googling what time doctors call with bad news and all sorts of other shit the crazies do when they think they might be dying.  Yeah, I am one of those.  I spend way too much time being diagnosed by Dr.  Google.  And I should never Google my kids' symptoms!  Am I crazy???  The common cold is cancer on Google.  The reason I turn to Google is because I don't want to be one of those crazy ladies that calls the doctor every other day because their kid is sick.  The bigger kids I don't worry about too much.  Even after 4 kids, the baby stage freaks me the fuck out.  I do not worry less when they are sick.  I still have to check to see if he is breathing in the middle of the night.  I am paranoid.  How did I get so lucky as to have 4 healthy kids?  That to me, is a miracle. I have a stress headache even though I found out my baby's brain is normal. I am not strong enough to handle a sick baby, and I cry everyday for the moms who have to deal with it. 

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